Editor’s Note: This article is kindly shared by Levente, the Youtuber LEVIHOOLIGAN. He is a mechanic as well as the head of a JDM car-related team, called Team WildSide. He just installed a set of MaXpeedingRods 24 ways adjustable coilover on his Nissan Silvia S14. Besides, he filmed a video to review the coilover and tell his story with MaXpeedingRods. You should definitely check his video.
Levente has built many drift cars, and also street use tuning cars. This is not the first time that he uses the MaXpeedingRods product. But when he got the coilover from MaXpeedingRods, he felt it necessary to say something. Below is what he wants to express.
I have used MaXpeedingRods products before such coilovers and parts for a popular Skyline mod, the HICAS delete kit. I was satisfied but never really got into deeper details about the stuff we got from MaXpeedingRods. But now, after I used this amount of MaXpeedingRods products I can say that I don’t know any other company that makes this good quality product in a wide range for this good price. I have a pro-am category drift car and if I would not have a suspension set for it, I would definitely buy a MaXpeedingRods set for it because I am impressed.

How did the story begin? I would say it’s coincident but doomed. A friend of mine recommended their adjustable coilover to me and told me that I can make a video to test and review it. I thought, why not?
A week later, I got the package with a brand new set of coilover for S14 Silvia. I unboxed the package and took a very close look at the product because I have not done it yet before. As I said before I was impressed because, at the first sight, it looked like a high-end coilover set from a big named brand with expensive products. I checked all the functions on the coilover, like the stiffness adjustment screw and the top bolts on the camber plate and so on. Everything looked fancy, so I put in the new set of MaXpeedingRods coilover into our S14 Silvia. This is a very easy mod, that you can do for yourself if you have some tools and a proper jack stand. Let me show you how to do that.